About Us

Welcome to Share the Soap's CBD site! We wholeheartedly believe that being a mom is one of the most important jobs in the world. We understand that it comes with numerous responsibilities, both physically and emotionally, which can sometimes take a toll. As moms, we can be reluctant to slow down when there are so many relying on us, but self care is important.  

That's why at Share the Soap we've created bath and body products specifically designed to provide the essential self-care that every mom needs and absolutely deserves. We pay meticulous attention to every detail and ingredient when we create our goat milk bath bombs, goat milk bath powders, moisturizing lotions with goat milk, and facial skin care moisturizers. We carefully select each component based on quality, safety, environmental friendliness, and sustainability. Just like you, we are ingredient-readers, and we encourage and advocate it!

The Share the Soap journey began over two decades ago in our kitchen where we started making soap using goat milk from our own goats. Since then, we've grown, and our dedicated production facility allows us to customize and adapt to changing markets and needs. The use of CBD is a perfect example of our ability to adapt to changing markets. Our focus, however, has always been to support moms. We know firsthand, from our family and working closely with many of you over the years, the importance of self-care that brings refreshment and renewal. Whether it's keeping up with growing children, caring for special needs kiddos, navigating the college years, supporting aging parents, long workdays, or simply staying on top of the never-ending laundry, it takes a toll. We've experienced it ourselves and know that we are not alone.

Our mission is to assist you on your self-care journey. Explore our goat milk bath bombs, goat milk bath powders, goat milk lotion, and face moisturizer to find the ones that best suit your situation. We would also love to hear from you if you have any questions!

Take care,

Tori, and the Share the Soap team.